April 22, 2021

cypress-cucumber-preprocessor 4.1.0 - TSX and Multiline Step Arguments support

Multiline Step Arguments:

Thanks to @Enrico126 it allows usage of multiline step arguments, as showcased with a simple .feature example:

Scenario Outline: DocString When I use DocString with argument like this: """ Hey, You have been granted <Role> rights. -The Admins """ Then I should have a string with argument "<Role>" Examples: | Role | | Manager | | Admin |

and matching step definition:

let argString = ""; When("I use DocString with argument like this:", (dataString) => { argString = dataString; }); Then(/^I should have a string with argument "([^"]*)"$/, function (argument) { expect(argString).to.contain(argument); });

TSX support:

Thanks to @mallison you should be able to use .tsx files as your step definitions. As noted by @azamuddin this change also allows the use of @cypress/react to test react components in isolation with cucumber.

Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts in the comments below.

We've just released a new version of the cypress-cucumber-preprocessor package.

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